12s Happen


Created by Richard Horky 14 years ago
Living with Bruce was always fun and sometimes a gamble. Bruce was a very competitive person. We bet on everything; dice games, card games, football games, stacking and catching dice, what the next pitch would be in a baseball game, and even golf games. We used to play a game called Amigo, a game where you bet the difference between your score and your opponents score and, if you have a birdie, your opponents score is reversed. We were playing a par 5 at Mequon CC and Bruce had a birdie 4 and his partner had a 6 for a total of 46, my score, on the otherhand, was 12 and my partner had a 8 for a total of 128, but with Bruce's birdie, our score was 821. This made a total difference of 775 for the bet. Playing for dimes, that was $77.50 for one hole. Bruce's comment was "12s Happen". From that day forward 9 was the max for any hole.