It's the simple memories that are my favorite.

Created by Christy Palfy 13 years ago
When I think of Uncle Bruce, I don’t really think of just one story, but those smaller moments that build a lifetime of memories of love and laughter. I remember laughing until we cried with the rest of the Engelkings listening to Uncle Bruce try to finish a story where he had cracked himself up before he could finish. He repeatedly tried to retell the ending, only to once again end up in a high pitched squeal and us all in uncontrollable laughter. I remember the look on his face while my mom explained the rules to the latest planned family activity, but he was always in. One of my personal favorites is him repeatedly cautioning my father “Rod, now concentrate on what you are doing” when my dad had to throw a bowling ball through his legs at “goofy bowling”. I remember one of our first visits down to Pinehurst, we went golfing in hats and turtlenecks and I was giving Uncle Bruce a hard time about supposedly moving away from the cold. Without missing a beat, he turned with a smile and said, “But we’re still golfing aren’t we?” …couldn’t argue with that. I remember the big adventures like punting with the Engelkings on my 30th birthday in Cambridge England. And even the smaller ones like the annual hunts for houses with the best Christmas tree lights every Christmas on the drive home from grandmas. I remember Uncle Bruce scolding me when I was little for getting into trouble with Jeff, and him telling me he was proud of the woman I had become when he came to Ohio for my wedding. I guess what I remember most is just how much he loved being around friends and family. Whether he was asked to dawn my grandma's frilly apron to carve a turkey or a “Penis Posse” hat to register golfers at the VO, as long as he was surrounded by friends and family, he gladly did so and with that Uncle Bruce smile!